Batalá San Francisco's Fifth Anniversary

Batalá San Francisco's Fifth Anniversary

October 5, 2017 was Batalá San Francisco's fifth anniversary. We were grateful and excited to reach this amazing milestone. FIVE YEARS! It almost seemed like yesterday when we began our fledgling band. We've been through many wonderful times together--playing music together in so many wonderful venues. We've played together in burning heat and near darkness, traveled to play with our sister bands' together, climbed mountains together and walked the Golden Gate Bridge together; hosted nearly a hundred drummers from all over the world together; cried, and laughed, and danced, and sweated together; supported each other through hard times together; been slapped in the face with our friends, the samba dancers' feathers; been uplifted together by responsive audiences and fended off drunk partiers together; spent our holidays together; and most importantly, made lasting friendships with wonderful people from all over the globe. WE ARE GRATEFUL to master Giba Gonçalves for his inspiration and leadership, to our sister bands for their support and guidance, and to all our members past and present who have devoted their time and talent and hard work to building and caring for our Batalá SF community.

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